24th February 2023 : Student orientation for Placement Oriented
Skill Program conducted by RASCI, at R.D. National College, Bandra
Student orientation for Placement Oriented
Skill Program conducted by RASCI, at R.D. National College,
Student orientation for Placement Oriented
Skill Program conducted by RASCI, at R.D. National College,
Student orientation for Placement Oriented
Skill Program conducted by RASCI, at R.D. National College,
Student orientation for Placement Oriented
Skill Program conducted by RASCI, at R.D. National College,
Since 2017, RASCI institutionalized
“RASCI - TRRAIN Skill Awards” to recognize Industry efforts
towards Skill India Mission
Since 2017, RASCI institutionalized
“RASCI - TRRAIN Skill Awards” to recognize Industry efforts
towards Skill India Mission
Since 2017, RASCI institutionalized
“RASCI - TRRAIN Skill Awards” to recognize Industry efforts
towards Skill India Mission
Reliance Retail won CHAIR Retailer
(Contracted Highest Apprentices In Retail) award for
engaging the highest no. of Apprentices across the Retail
Sector for FY’22-23.
Optival Health Solutions Private Limited
(MedPlus) won ACE Retailer (Apprentice Converted Employees)
award for nurturing & regularizing Apprentices to wage
employment in FY’ 22-23.
Apollo Pharmacies Limited won STAR Retailer
(Successfully Testing Apprentices in Retail) award for
conducting and completing highest number of Apprentice
Assessments across Retail Sector in FY’ 22-23.